New Orleans Riverside at Historic Algiers

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Size: 114 acres

Originally an active and vibrant naval base, this now decommissioned site consists of scattered historic and non-historic buildings of varying time periods and quality. The existing urbanism is broken with abandoned structures, parking lots, and underutilized parks and recreation areas. The master plan solution seeks to re-stitch this broken fabric by connecting the historic buildings with appropriately scaled infill clusters providing a dynamic mixed-use street life.

The 114 acres directly adjacent to historic Algiers provides unprecedented opportunity for the city of New Orleans. An aggressive historic restoration strategy was the basis for the initial concepts generated through an intensive design charrette capturing invaluable stakeholder input. While evaluating the site, the design team committed to retaining as much existing roadway and utility infrastructure as possible, and to connect the site seamlessly to adjacent neighborhoods.

This uniquely retrofitted community will provide a full range of housing types, offer meaningful recreation and civic spaces, as well as generating critical economic development internally and for the surrounding area. Adopting the character of other New Orleans neighborhoods, the proposed density will promote walkability, infused activity, and fewer auto dependent experiences.

The Mississippi River provides the setting for magnificent views that are articulated through the urban regulating principles outlined in our final product. In addition, the site is networked through a series of flexible green spaces, outdoor rooms, and community gardens.  The plan achieves a carefully considered urbanism with critical elements for revitalization, thus creating visions of an enhanced quality of life for all future residents.