City of Scott
Comprehensive Plan

Location: Scott, Louisiana

In association with C.H. Fenstermaker & Associates

Community Dedication | Civic Pride | Rich Culture

These are just a few of the many enriching qualities of the City of Scott. The City of Scott is a special place. You can see it in the care that property owners have taken to win the Cleanest City Award. It is evident in the revitalization of homes and buildings such as the Coffee Depot. It’s in the dedication of the Scott Area Team Sports organization and in the smiles and laughter at the music jam session at the Begnaud House and at Pie Day. The Scott 2032 Comprehensive Plan is intended to protect those places and identities that the residents cherish and want to leave as a legacy for future generations. It builds on this foundation, and looks to the future for prosperity. This plan sets out to achieve what the community wants, not the government. It is “Your Community. Your Plan.”

noun, plural -ties.
A social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.

Scott 2032 is the first Comprehensive Plan for the City of Scott. The purpose of the Plan is to identify the short and long-range goals and strategies that should be used to guide public and private decision-making related to Scott’s future growth and community development. Scott 2032 is intended to capture the community’s vision for the future of Scott. One result of Scott 2032 is a SmartCode. The SmartCode is a transect-based regulatory tool and the companion to the Comprehensive Plan intended to assist in the implementation process. Once adopted by the City of Scott, the SmartCode will become law and all outlined in the code will be by-warrant.