Steven Domingue, AIA, ALEP

Associate, Architect

As a Project Manager at ACSW with over 20 years of professional experience, Steven Domingue is responsible for client engagement, delivery, and the over the success of your project. Throughout the project, Steven manages the project team and provides a high level of communication to ensure consistency and thorough coordination between various team members. With project types ranging from educational facilities, cultural & civic, commercial & retail, medical, and master planning, Steven Domingue brings a broad range of unique project experiences to the team.

In recent years, Steven Domingue has also focused on architectural programming, building design and production, campus master planning, specifications, and construction administration. With the focus on providing full services from the initial phases of the project through the final construction, Steven is able to ensure success at each milestone.

Steven spends most of his spare time with his wife and two boys. As an outdoor adventurer, Den Leader, and Cub Master for Cub Scout Pack 162, Steven enjoys hiking, camping, kayaking, and teaching kids about being good stewards of our outdoors through Scouting.

  • steven@acswarchitects.com

115 East Main St.  |  Lafayette, LA   |  p: 337-235-8016  |  p: 337-237-2211