Alexandra Carr, AIA


With astounding attention to detail and the ability to uncover and understand a client’s goals, Alexandra plays an integral role at ACSW in helping the design team bring projects to life. She holds both a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies degree and a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Alexandra has been involved with a multitude of projects at ACSW including religious, commercial, residential, and educational projects. She hopes to further explore different architectural project types throughout her career. Presently, Alexandra is a part of the healthcare studio and continues to grow her knowledge of healthcare planning and design through collaboration with her coworkers, engagement with clients, and a passion for learning.

Alexandra is ACSW Architects’ resident DJ that churns out tunes that span 80’s Rock to 2020’s latest tracks. Alexandra spends her time reading, binge-watching television, listening to music (everything except country), and playing in a sand volleyball league. She is also considered the baking extraordinaire at ACSW Architects who often supplies all the sweet treats and birthday cakes for special occasions.

  • alexandra@acswarchitects.com

115 East Main St.  |  Lafayette, LA   |  p: 337-235-8016  |  p: 337-237-2211